BSL Level 1

Our BSL Level 1 is the perfect way to start learning BSL! We’ll start with the basics and guide you through this beautiful language.

What will I learn?

On our BSL Level 1 course, you will learn the basics and cover topics such as simple words and sentences in BSL, and how to give simple instructions in BSL.

This qualification is divided into three units as follows:
Introduction to BSL
Conversational BSL
Communicate in BSL about Everyday Life

Where are the courses?

Our BSL Level 1 Course is available online, but can also be taught in-person if preferred.

How long is the course?

The course is usually around 30 weeks.

How will I be assessed?

There are three assessments based on 1:1 conversation for this course. Each assessment is around 5 minutes based on your conversational skills.

You will get a certificate once you have achieved a pass for all assessments. (Signature)

What are the fees?

£440 all-inclusive

We offer payment plans for those who wish to pay instalments

Book your place!
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As a deaf-owned business, we work in partnership with a fantastic team of professionals allowing us to offer the highest standards in our translation, teaching, workshops and editing
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